This is your chance to connect with followers and potential new fans on an artistic and personal level, so write from the heart! Artist bio - Introduce yourself and your music to your audience.Within your Spotify for Artists account, you can customize your:
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How to customize your Spotify artist profile The Spotify for Artists mobile app is available on iOS and Android. Mobile app - A minimal but no less helpful application where you can track your stats, see information on listeners and manage your profile.Desktop site - A fully featured web page complete with guides, an FAQ, and even a blog for news and updates.There are two ways to access your Spotify for Artists account: Spotify makes it convenient to log in to your artist account whether you’re in front of a computer or on your phone. Or, if you’d prefer to verify your artist profile with Spotify directly you can do that here. Apply for artist verification, which CD Baby helps expedite for you!.Confirm the music has been delivered to Spotify.To become a verified artist on Spotify, you must: Pin songs, albums, playlists, or events to the top of your profile with a custom photo.